Work Alone Monitoring Services

Work Alone Monitoring Services

Canada Work Alone Monitoring Services. Most Canada employers have employees who need to work alone. Given the public’s concern for the safety of employees who work alone, provincial governments created the working alone regulations, based on the recommendations of a task force comprised of industry, labour and governmental representatives.

According to the Regulation, to work alone or in isolation “means to work in circumstances where assistance would not be readily available to the worker (a) in case of an emergency, or (b) in case the worker is injured or in ill health.”

Examples of working alone

  • Retail (convenience store) employees
  • Taxi drivers
  • Truck and delivery drivers
  • Home care and social services employees
  • By-law officers and security guards
  • Forestry workers (doing high-hazard work with no regular interaction with other people)
  • Warehouse workers in cold rooms or freezers
  • Night cleaners and custodians in private and public buildings
  • Night-shift employees

Cititel Inc provides a diversified work alone safety and monitoring service portfolio that covers every scenario possible. From No-Motion to Fall Detection, to Missed Check-Ins to Silent Alerts…. our Work Alone Monitoring solutions have your lone worker safety covered.


Proactive Check-in Timers
Voice & Text Messages
Emergency Panic
GPS Location Technology
Choose your Own Devices (smartphones, computers, tablets, satellite messengers, basic phones)

For more information about our working alone safety and monitoring service, please call us to: 1.888.923.2533, send us an email to or request more info online.