Property Management Answering Services
Management companies, oversee operations and financial matters to managing staff and maintenance needs. Cititel can help you maintain and manage your responsibilities through value-added services and excellent communications. Whether you need to answer calls about rental availability, to collect rent payment, to handle emergencies, or to take care of general maintenance requests, we can help.
We are there when you are NOT
Live operators are available 24/7/365 days a year. Having someone to answer your calls can not only keep your tenants happy but it also can prevent a bad situation from becoming worse. It can save you money, frustration and peace of mind. Cititel can help direct your callers to the right person; they will follow your specific protocol for each situation to ensure they connect the caller to the correct on-call and guarantee the correct service is given.
Helping you manage your on-calls
You can receive a daily scheduled record of what took place the night before, who called, what the issue was, and which on-call took the call or what maintenance company was called. So even while you are not there you will still have plumber knowledge and the confidence that things are being taken care of the way you want. It can be a great management tool for you to maintain the quality service you offer and also an excellent record for back-up of what was done for any given situation.
Let Cititel help you help other
Your response to emergency calls can be the difference of having to deal with a small issue or having a disaster on your hands. Partnering up with the right Answering Service is detrimental to your business. Cititel is renowned for its emergency service response.