About Us

About Us

Answering your telephone makes us happy

Cititel launched in 1991 at Edmonton, Alberta. We started with a passion for delivering information in a professional manner to the mobile workforce—and our appetite for excellence never wavered. Instead, we kept upping the ante by introducing new cutting-edge technology for small to large-sized business.

With help from our senior leadership team, Cititel expanded its horizon to include Citipage—a service that delivered critical messages using pagers that supersede text messaging, even by today’s standards. In recent years, we added the next generation in wireless communications, Wireless City, to offer the latest in wireless communications serving Alberta and Saskatchewan.

You benefit from our lengthy experience as customer management experts with an affinity for technical excellence. You remain at the center of our universe!

The Right Size

Do you have scalability in mind for your business? We help you there, too.

Whether it’s a business with a strong seasonal influence or a company growing faster than anticipated, we are here to scale your package up and down based on your call volume. We quickly and seamlessly integrate our proven support applications with your business.

We also offer our clients a price match option. If you find similar serves cheaper someplace else, bring us our competitors pricing and we will match price for you.

A reputation built on trust

Trust is built on good experiences delivered every time. A large part of our clientele comes through referrals and we are delighted that our clients act as champions for Cititel!

Management Team


Call toll free: 1.888.923.2533

Cititel is a leading call centre company headquartered in Alberta. We help professionals and businesses with live customer support 24 hours a day. You can think of our friendly virtual receptionists as an extension of your office—whether you’re a start-up or a veteran in your field.